July 2024

Wed, 11/20/2024 - 20:15 -- webadmin
Monday, July 15, 2024

Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District

Meeting of Board of Trustees

Minutes of July 15, 2024


Chairman Gordon Maybury called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. In attendance were Larry Hopkins, Vice Chair; Lauren Edgerton, Secretary; Dr. Joseph Martin, Executive Director Emeritus; Seth Eckard, Executive Director; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; and Jim McAllister, Mayor of Woodfin.


Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was approved by unanimous consensus.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Edgerton to approve June 2024 minutes, Hopkins seconded. The motion carried unanimously.


MSD Report

Ms. Bryson reported that MSD did not hold a meeting in July and asked if the Board had any questions that she could answer. No one had any questions. The Board thanked Ms. Bryson for her continued service.


Public Comment

No one from the public spoke. Chairman Maybury encouraged citizens to attend meetings or contact him if they have anything they wish to share with the Board.


Director’s Report

Director Eckard provided the following updates:



The District hired a new utility field technician in June. His name is Eddie Stafford. He has worked in the public works department for the Town of Woodfin for the last 11 years.  Eddie has experience operating heavy equipment and is familiar with the District. We are excited to have him join our team!



The Asterra leak detection project kicks off on July 22nd.  Chairman Maybury and Trustee Hopkins plan to attend the upcoming meeting with staff.



Capital Improvement Plan / Rate Study Update: McGill staff have begun meeting with District staff to gather system and financial information.



The District is collaborating with the Town of Woodfin on the Town’s upcoming summer newsletter.



We are working with our mailing vendor to price the inclusion of an MSD brochure insert in our next billing cycle. We are also exploring the modification of the bills to include our customer’s zone designation.



Dr. Martin updated the website to reflect our new rates and construction standards and added the District’s zone map.



Tyler Helm earned his PC1 Certification at the Water Plant.



We are working with our mailing vendor to include zone designation on customer’s utility bills.



The Asheville Fire Department regrets not being able to attend tonight’s meeting. However, they plan to attend the August Board meeting.



Director Eckard plans to present the 2024 customer satisfaction survey results at the August meeting. Trustee Edgerton asked if she could have a copy of the survey link to share with her neighborhood. Chairman Maybury asked how many survey responses we have collected to date. Director Eckard said that ten customers have submitted responses.


Chairman Maybury complimented the graphs in the agenda packet and requested that an appendix explaining the graphs' movements be included in future agenda packets. He also asked for the percentage of the reservoir's capacity to be tracked and graphed as a new activity report to be included in the agenda packet. Dr. Martin explained that lake levels are tracked every day. Trustee Edgerton requested that our monthly leaks and breaks report be charted on a map of the District each month. Director Eckard said that this would include these requests in upcoming agenda packets.


Old Business

No old business.


New Business


Resolution 2024-08 Declare Juneteenth a District Holiday: Trust Hopkins motioned to approve the resolution. Trustee Edgerton seconded the motion. The resolution was passed unanimously.



Resolution 2024-09 Budget Amended: Director Eckard proposed a budget amendment for $92,000 to cover the McGill CIP contract and the Asterra leak detection contract costs. Trust Hopkins motioned to approve the resolution. Trustee Edgerton seconded the motion. The resolution was passed unanimously.


Call of Board Members

Trustee Hopkins mentioned that the Town of Woodfin may construct a splash pad, and if they did, perhaps the District could provide water free of charge for this service. The Board agreed that this is a great suggestion. Director Eckard said he would contact the Town Manager of Woodfin to gather more information and advance this project in partnership with the Town.



The meeting was adjourned at 5:49 PM.