Watch our Board meeting live!
Join our board meeting on February 17th virtually! Meeting starts at 5 PM and can be accessed on Google Meets:
Join our board meeting on February 17th virtually! Meeting starts at 5 PM and can be accessed on Google Meets:
The Woodfin Sanitary Water & Sewer District is now accepting Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for engineering services
District meetings will now be available through Google Meets!
There will be a water outage from 1-4 PM to make system repairs in the Weaverville Hwy/ Old Home Rd area including Audubon
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Gordon Maybury, Chair. In attendance: Larry Hopkins, Vice-chair; Lauren Edgerton, Secretary. Joseph Martin, retiring Executive Director; Seth Eckard, Executive Director; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; and Jim McAllister, Woodfin Mayor.