Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of May 20, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Gordon Maybury, Chair. In attendance: Larry Hopkins, Vice-chair; Lauren Edgerton, Secretary. Joseph Martin, retiring Executive Director; Seth Eckard, Executive Director; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; and Jim McAllister, Woodfin Mayor.
Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved by unanimous consensus.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Edgerton to approve March 2024 minutes, Hopkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
MSD Report
Ms. Bryson reported that the Metropolitan Sewerage District’s budget and capital improvement plan has been presented and adopted.
Public Comment
Mayor McAllister came on behalf of the Woodfin Elementary Advisory Council and thanked the Board for participating in the Woodfin 5k. The fundraiser raised over $14,000; the event will be held at the Town’s park next year.
District Reports
Director Eckard provided brief comments on the current fiscal year's budget. Eckard explained that despite a few line-item overages, the capital projects budget is way under, and revenues are projected to be slightly more than anticipated at the end of the fiscal year.
Chairman Maybury inquired about the proposed budget and how it related to our current budget. Maybury wanted to understand more about why we are under budget in the capital projects budget and commented that we need to make sure we are doing what we told our customers we would do. The Squirrel Hill line replacement project was an example of a project we did not complete this year.
Dr. Martin explained that the capital projects budget is under budget because we have two full-time positions in the line crew that were not filled, and the automated meter reading project was canceled. Eckard said that these savings allowed us to subsidize other areas of the budget that went over this year. Eckard said that the District intends to start developing a 10-year strategic capital improvement plan next fiscal year and that this plan will be transparent and available to our customers.
Chairman Maybury and Trustee Hopkins requested that we start tracking and reporting monthly leaks and customer pressure complaints to the board. Director Eckard said that staff has started tracking both and will include a report in future board packets.
Director’s Report
- Tim Swanson of Hickory Law has agreed to be the Board of Trustee’s attorney. Tim’s rate is $300 and hour.
- The customer survey is live and will run from May to August. A link to the survey is posted on all bills during this period.
- The first reading of the District’s budget was presented. The Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget will be adopted at the June Board meeting.
- NC CLASS is a new investment pool into which the District will move idle funds. The fund is very safe and has a year-to-date return rate of 5.42%. Asheville and Buncombe County are in the process of investing with them. The District intends to move $2,000,000 into the fund.
- The State notified the District that they have accepted the 2023 Local Water Supply Plan.
- Director Eckard attended MSD’s Capital Improvement Planning Committee, he noted that MSD plans to raise their rates by 5% each year for the next five years.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Resolution 2024-03 FY 2025 Budget – No action taken.
Resolution 2024-05 Appointment of Board Attorney - Motion by Hopkins to approve, Edgerton seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution 2024-06 Participation in NC CLASS- Motion by Edgerton to approve, Hopkins seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Call of Board Members
Board of Trustee members explored ideas and inquired about possible ways for the District to rely less on Asheville Water. Staff intends to explore various options that were discussed. Dr. Martin noted that the satellite leak detection survey may help significantly by empowering staff to find and fix unidentified leaks throughout the system.
Trustee Hopkins inquired if the fire departments have been testing and evaluating the working conditions of hydrants in their respective coverage areas. Director Eckard said he would contact them and report back. Director Eckard will invite the local fire chiefs to future board meetings.
Trustee Edgerton asked if we have contacted Weaverville to explore potential opportunities. Director Eckard and Chairman Maybury said they intend to meet with Weaverville officials soon.
Closed Session
Chairman Maybury called for a motion to recess into Closed Session.
Closed Session Pursuant to NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6) to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee.
At 6:15 PM Trustee Hopkins moved to recess into Closed Session, seconded by Trustee Maybury. The vote was unanimous.
At 6:25 PM, Trustee Hopkins moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Trustee Hopkins. The vote was unanimous. No action was taken in the subsequent Open Session.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:27 PM.