Thursday, May 31, 2012
Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of May 21, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5 P.M. by Keith Snyder, chair. In attendance: Sarah Gassaway,
Vice Chair; MSD Representative Jackie Bryson; Director Joseph Martin; James Mathews, Weaverville
Tribune; Mike LoVoy, Alliance Consulting Engineer.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved by consensus.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Gassaway to approve Minutes for April 2012, Snyder seconded. Motion carried
MSD Report
Jackie Bryson reported: MSD passed the preliminary version of the FY 2013 budget at its last meeting;
has sent a letter to Mayor Bellamy of the City of Asheville inviting work on the possible consolidation
of the City's water system with MSD.
Public Comment
No public comment.
District Reports
Motion by Gassaway to provide a ten dollar incentive for lead and copper testing customers in the
form of a water bill credit, Snyder seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report
A. A partially successful test was run on the existing system to demonstrate the feasibility of
providing District-produced water for the Leisure Mountain storage tank.
B. A proposed letter to the State regarding the District's 2011 audit was included. Consensus by
Board to send letter with minor wording changes.
C. Jay Meliski, a District citizen and former McGill engineer, has expressed interest in the vacant
Board seat.
D. A comparison of water and sewer rates for all Buncombe County municipalities shows the
District to remain the least expensive water in the county.
E. Arrangements have been made to have goats clear the District's dam of vegetation.
F. The 2011 Consumer Confidence Report is complete and mailed to all residents.
G. Lead and copper testing will take place beginning in June 2012.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
A. Resolution 2012-02 5-Year CIP - Motion by Snyder to approve, Gassaway seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
B. Resolution 2012-03 FY 2013 Budget - No action taken.
C. Resolution 2012-04 Auditor Agreement - Motion by Snyder to approve, Gassaway seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
D. Consideration of Board Vacancy - Consensus agreement to provide letter to Buncombe County
Commissioners advising the Board vacancy as well as the names of interested citizens.
Call of Board Members
No concerns noted.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M.