Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of May 15th, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 1:02 P.M. by Sarah Gassaway, Chair. In attendance: Ivo Ballentine, Vice-chair; Gordon Maybury, Secretary; Brian Goldstein, Executive Director; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; Joe Martin, Previous Executive Director.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved by consensus.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Gassaway to approve April 2023 minutes Maybury seconded, motion carried unanimously.
MSD Report
Ms. Bryson reported: New Town Homes on Reynolds Mountain will be serviced by MSD, total cost of the project is $50,000. Personnel meeting held by the Director of Personnel to discuss salary rates for their upcoming FY. Trustee Maybury asked about the tour for Board members. Ms. Bryson stated that the site is still not safe for visitors yet, but will let us know when it will take place. Ms. Bryson also let us know that MSD requires personnel to have a physical every two years. This is due to MSD being self insured.
Public Comment
No public comment
District Reports
Financial reports were discussed. There will need to be a budget amendment at the June Meeting. We are still experiencing supply chain issues, we are still receiving supplies ordered months ago. Supplies were mentioned as still rising. Went through bank statements, our reserve accounts are seeing interest rising. We will be looking for investment opportunities in the new FY. Activity reports were discussed. Disconnect for non-payment have been reduced. AVL water usage has increased.
Director’s Report
- Conducted Pre-Construction meeting for the Old Home Road Subdivision Development with Engineer, Developer, Contractor, and Assistant Field Supervisor.
- Met with Fire Chiefs of Woodfin and West Buncombe. Discussed procedure for Hydrant notification of needed maintenance. Will be adding a 2” line for Woodfin Fire Department to fill trucks instead of using a Hydrant.
- Partial refurbishment of the filter tanks at the treatment plant began on May 8th, and be completed within two weeks.
- Continuing to replace broken (dead) meters in field.
- 2022 CCR Submitted to the State.
- Met with Beth Russo of Eblen to discuss our low income program. Eblen assumed when Town of Woodfin ended their relationship, that it included Woodfin Water. Will be receiving a proposal from Eblen by the next board meeting in June.
Old Business
No old business
New Business
Trustee Maybury brought information to the Board regarding joining the NCWQA instead of joining the NCRWA. Comparisons we shared by Trustee Maybury. Recommendation was made to join the NCWQA due to what we will receive for our membership. Board will decide at the next board meeting in June.
Budget Resolution 2023-02 FY24 Budget Proposal. Director Goldstein said it’s a sound budget. There were no changes to the budget since it was presented last month. Board will vote on the resolution at the June meeting.
Budget Amendment 2023-03 for FY23 to account for Old Home Road project being paid in the current FY23 instead of the previous FY22, the amount is $95,000. Trustee Maybury asked why it wasn’t caught in the audit. The auditors should have caught it, but did not. When the budget closed for FY22, no changes can be made. Chairwoman Gassaway asked for a motion to approve, Seconded by Trustee Ballentine, approved unanimously.
Resolution 2023-04 to approve our Local Water Supply Plan for 2022. This is the first year that it needed to be adopted by the plan by the governing Board. Trustee Maybury made a motion to approve, Seconded by Trustee Ballentine, approved unanimously.
Resolution 2023-05 to contract with Gould Killian for the FY23 audit. Trustee Maybury had concerns about using the firm again considering it has been presented late the past two years. Director Goldstein said if they are late again, we will go out for RFP for next year. Motion by Ballentine to approve the contract, seconded by Chairwoman Gassaway, approved unanimously to approve contract, seconded by Trustee Maybury, approved unanimously.
Call of Board Members
Trustee Maybury had a couple comments regarding an email from a citizen who lives outside the district that feels disenfranchised by not being allowed to vote for Trustees. Trustee Maybury stated that as per our governing regulations by the State of NC , if citizens want to enlarge the District, there is a process they would have to go through. It is up to citizens to follow the State process. Dr. Martin explain the process to the Board, and the history of the District. The District is allowed to sell water outside of the District proper as per State Regulation 130A 55 Paragraph 8 Subsection B. The feeling is outside influences are driving this, not necessarily the citizens.
Trustee Maybury asked about the Budget Proposal for FY24 regarding CIP project specifics. The projects are included in the Budget proposal. Currently there are four 2” line projects included.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.