Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of March 17, 2014
The meeting was called to order at 1:02 P.M. by Sarah Gassaway, Chair. In attendance: Keith Snyder, Vice Chair; Director Joseph Martin; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; James Mathews, Weaverville Tribune reporter.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved by consensus 2-0 (Meliski absent).
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Snyder to approve February 2014 minutes, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried 2-0 (Meliski absent).
MSD Report
Jackie Bryson reported: MSD staff will propose a study of the wastewater treatment plant to bring plant up to date with current regulations.
Public Comment
No public comment.
District Reports
No action taken.
Director’s Report
- The Graystone Road 2-inch water line project is scheduled to begin in April.
- The Sixth Street line relocation project is slated to begin by the end of April or early May.
- The 2015-2019 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan will be presented at April’s meeting.
- The first draft of the Fiscal Year 2015 annual budget will be presented at April’s meeting.
- District offices will be closed Friday, April 18th in observance of Good Friday.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
- Resolution 2014-01 FY 2014 Annual Auditor Agreement – Motion to approve by Snyder, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried 2-0 (Meliski absent).
Call of Board Members
Snyder requested health and property insurance figures be presented categorically in order to better understand expenditures for the annual budget proposal.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:35 PM.