June 2015

Tue, 08/18/2015 - 12:37 -- webadmin
Monday, June 15, 2015

Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District

Meeting of Board of Trustees

Minutes of June 15, 2015


The meeting was called to order at 1:04 P.M. by Sarah Gassaway, Chair. In attendance: Keith Snyder, Vice Chair; Don Haynes, Secretary; MSD Representative Jackie Bryson; Director Joseph Martin; James Mathews, Weaverville Tribune.


Approval of the Agenda

Motion by Gassaway to move “New Business” to top of the Agenda, Haynes seconded. Modified agenda approved by consensus.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Haynes to approve May 2015 minutes, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


MSD Report

Jackie Bryson reported: MSD approved its annual budget at the June 2015 Board meeting.


Public Comment

No public comment.


District Reports

Motion by Snyder to move forward on investing idle funds from redeemed CD into a higher yield callable federal agency issue, Haynes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Director’s Report

  1. After reviewing the RFP, staff recommendation is to take no action to move banking to another institution.
  2. Lead and copper testing began in June and hopes to conclude by the end of the month.
  3. The Leisure Mountain connector project plans have been approved by the state but the project will likely have to be added to the FY 2016 budget as an amendment, since funds are unlikely to be spent before July 1.
  4. The filing period for the Board of Trustees opens on July 6th and closes on July 17th.
  5. A summary of available investments was provided to the Board.


Old Business

No old business.


New Business


Public Hearing/Resolution 2015-04 FY 2016 Budget – Gassaway declared the public hearing open at 1:15. No comments were taken. Public hearing was declared closed at 1:16. Motion by Haynes to approve, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried 2-1 (Snyder opposed).


Resolution 2015-05 5-Year CIP – Motion by Snyder to approve, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Consideration of Ventana Development request Phase II – Motion by Haynes to approve, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Call of Board Members

Snyder expressed concern that the District does not have an early retirement or severance package incentive policy to encourage older tenured staff to retire and save the District salary funds. General Board positive consensus to policy; Director will develop a policy for Board consideration at a later meeting.    




Meeting was adjourned at 1:40 PM.