June 19th 2023

Thu, 07/27/2023 - 14:44 -- Brian Goldstein
Monday, July 17, 2023

Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District

Meeting of Board of Trustees

Minutes of June 19th, 2023


The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M. by Sarah Gassaway, Chair. In attendance: Ivo Ballentine ( attended by phone), Vice-chair; Gordon Maybury, Secretary; Brian Goldstein, Executive Director; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; Joe Martin, Previous Executive Director.


Approval of the Agenda

Agenda approved by consensus.


Approval of Minutes

Motion by Gassaway to approve May 2023 minutes Maybury seconded, motion carried unanimously.


MSD Report

Ms. Bryson reported: The MSD FY24 Budget was approved by their Board without change. MSD incorporate their different divisions recommendations.


Public Comment

No public comment


District Reports

Financial reports were discussed. Woodfin Water is running slightly over budget, do to this we have a hard spending freeze.  Went through bank statements, our reserve accounts are seeing interest rising. Applications for New Construction have slowed down. Only one request submitted in May for a single-family home. So far in June only one application as well. If this continues, we will see a slowdown in fees collected within 12 to 18 months. We will still look for investment opportunities in the new FY. Activity reports were discussed. Disconnect for non-payment is still running low. AVL water usage has increased due to treatment plant filter refurbishment. The Executive Director for Eblen will attend next months meeting. They are looking to sign an MOA which would include a 12% indirect rate.


Director’s Report


  1. Conducted walk through of Olivette Overlook with As Built plans. A few changes needed to be made. Project engineer, and contractor were present. Project signed off and sent to the State.


  1. Conducted walk through of Mt. Carmel Subdivision with As Built plans. No problems found except for a few meter boxes needed to be raised. Engineer, and contractor were present.  Project Signed off on.


  1. Partial refurbishment of the filter tanks at the treatment plant began on May 8th, and was completed on May 31st. The process took two extra weeks to complete. CMT is absorbing the cost of their labor and supplies for the extra time it took.


  1. Working with Field and Assistant Field Supervisor to update construction standards. Will present to The Board when complete.


  1. 2022 CCR approved by NCDEQ



Old Business


Director Goldstein and Trustee Maybury recommends joining the NCWQA. The fee is $845 annually. Chair Gassaway requested a vote on joining. Trustee Maybury makes a motion to join the NCWQA. Seconded by Chair Gassaway, approved unanimously. Will join in July.


New Business


Budget Resolution 2023-02 FY24 Budget Proposal.  Trustee Gassaway opened at 1:30pm Public comment on the FY24 budget. No comments. Public Hearing closed at 1:32pm.  Chair Gassaway asked for a motion to approve the budget. Motion made by Trustee Maybury, seconded by Trustee Ballentine, passed unanimously.


Budget Amendment Resolution 2023-06. To add $50,000 to FY23 budget to make up for shortfall. Director Goldstein explained that if we do not use the entire amount it will be adjusted off. Motion by Chair Gassaway, seconded by Trustee Maybury passed unanimously.


Resolution 2023-07 The addition of classification of a Distribution Operator Trainee/Meter reader. This will allow the District to hire an entry level position. This will help overall recruitment of field staff. This will add an additional line for a Distribution. Pay rate will be between $15 to $16 per hour.

Motion by Trustee Ballentine to approve, seconded by Trustee Maybury, passed unanimously.


Call of Board Members


No Comments



Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.