Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of January 19, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 1:04 P.M. by Sarah Gassaway, Chair. In attendance: Ivo Ballentine, Secretary; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative; Director Joseph Martin.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved by consensus.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Gassaway to approve December 2015 minutes, Ballentine seconded. Motion carried 2-0 (Haynes absent).
MSD Report
Jackie Bryson reported: MSD released its accomplishments for calendar year 2015.
Public Comment
No public comment.
District Reports
No action taken.
Director’s Report
- The Leisure Mountain Road connector project is approximately 20% complete.
- The flat roofing for the District’s storage facility was replaced under warranty and the shingled roofing will be replaced in the next several weeks due to severe wear and damage.
- The open distribution field service tech position has been scheduled for re-advertisement.
- The process to replace the District’s billing system began in January. Improvements include customer e-mail billing, self-service account history, and improved reconciliation.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Resolution 2016-01 FY 2016 Budget Amendment – Resolution rescinds all but $500 per employee raises designed to cover individual health insurance and restores funding for group health insurance with an employee 10% co-payment for dependent coverage. Motion by Gassaway to approve, Ballentine seconded. Motion carried 2-0 (Haynes absent).
Call of Board Members
No concerns noted.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.