Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of December 11, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 1:03 P.M. by Sarah Gassaway, Chair. In attendance: Don Haynes, Vice-chair; Ivo Ballentine, Secretary; MSD representative Jackie Bryson; Leslie Obenauer, notary; Joseph Martin, Director.
Swearing of Trustees
Prior to start of meeting, Leslie Obenauer notarized the Oath of Office of Trustee-elects Gassaway, Haynes and Ballentine.
Election of Officers
Motion by Haynes to elect Sarah Gassaway as Board Chair, Ballentine seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Gassaway to elect Don Haynes as Vice Chair, Ballentine seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Gassaway to elect Ivo Ballentine as Secretary, Haynes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved by consensus.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Haynes to approve November 2017 minutes, Ballentine seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
MSD Report
Jackie Bryson reported: the regular MSD meeting will be held on December 20th.
Public Comment
No public comment.
District Reports
Motion by Ballentine to approve the 2018 meeting dates and times, Haynes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Director’s Report
- The District’s annual Christmas luncheon will be at 12 PM on December 11th.
- The State of NC completed its inspection of the District’s treatment and distribution systems and the inspection was excellent.
- The bid specifications for the Merrimon Avenue project were altered slightly but it is still anticipated bids will be ready for award at the January 2018 meeting.
- District offices will be closed December 25-27 and January 1 in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Appointment of MSD Representative – Motion by Gassaway to appoint Jackie Bryson for a three-year term as the District’s MSD representative, Haynes seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Call of Board Members
No concerns noted.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM.