Woodfin Sanitary Water and Sewer District
Meeting of Board of Trustees
Minutes of December 13, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 P.M. by Keith Snyder, Chair. In attendance: Sarah Gassaway, Vice Chair; J. Meliski, Secretary; Director Joseph Martin; Weaverville Tribune reporter James Mathews; Jackie Bryson, MSD Representative.
Call to Order - Election of Officers
Motion by Snyder to elect Sarah Gassaway Chair, Meliski seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Gassaway to elect Keith Snyder Vice Chair, Meliski seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Snyder to elect Joseph J. Meliski Secretary, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of the Agenda
Motion by Snyder to approve the Agenda, Meliski seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Snyder to approve November 2013 minutes, Meliski seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
MSD Report
Jackie Bryson reported: MSD released its accomplishments for 2013.
Public Comment
No public comment.
District Reports
No action taken.
Director’s Report
- District offices will be closed December 24-26 for the Christmas Holiday and January 1 for New Year's Day.
- The sedimentation report completed by McGill is presented under "Relevant Reading".
- The Director will be out of the office through New Year's but will be local in case of emergency.
- Pam Nolan from MSD would be on hand to administer the Oath of Office.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
- Resolution 2013-08 Modification of Vacation Accrual Policy - Motion by Snyder to approve, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Call of Board Members
Motion by Snyder to set the regular monthly meeting time to the 3rd Monday of each month at 1 PM with the exception of January, to be held on the 3rd Tuesday in observance of MLK Jr. Day, Gassaway seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.